
The Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE) was created in 2006, with the aim of promoting research and development activities in the area of ​​Economic and Business Sciences. It has been funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology since 2009, has its administrative headquarters at the University of Évora and scientific branches at the University of Algarve, University of Beira Interior and Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa.

CEFAGE is managed by the Board of Directors, which includes the director, three deputy directors and the scientific coordinator. The Scientific Council and the External Scientific Advisory Committee oversee the centre’s performance and provide scientific advice.

The research interests of CEFAGE members cover diverse areas, including, econometrics, agricultural economics, spatial economics, international economics, labour economics, tourism economics, finance, innovation and entrepreneurship, operational research, industrial organization and environmental resources.

CEFAGE's research activities are organized into four groups: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Operations; Finance; Industrial, Labour and Spatial Economy; Macroeconomics, Growth and Development, defined according to transversal lines of research: Tourism; Agri-food and Forestry; Education and Health; Sustainability and Performance.