During the period from 2020 to 2023, the main goals of CEFAGE are to promote the production and dissemination of high-quality scientific research in Economics and Management and train doctoral students in Economics and Management, providing them with training that combines academic rigour with the excitement of discovery associated with carrying out research. We will pursue the following specific objectives in order to achieve these goals:
1. To promote the production and dissemination of high-quality scientific research in the fields of Economics and Management, aiming at the continued increase in the number of papers published in journals ranked by CEFAGE and aiming at the increase in the number of papers published in journals rated A or above.
2. To promote the development of topical lines of research par excellence.
3. To develop the specialist knowledge of some of our current research groups by attracting promising young researchers who work in fields much as Marketing, Operational Management and Behavioural and Experimental Economics.
4. To develop cooperation with researchers from other institutions through the involvement of CEFAGE members in science networks at the national and international level, involvement in joint research projects, and the co-authorship of scientific papers.
5. To provide a highly stimulating research environment and CEFAGE members, encouraging the publication of their preliminary work in the CEFAGE Working Papers Series, and hold a series of in-house workshops in order to enhance communication and promote the sharing of ideas among members, as well as holding at least one annual CEFAGE workshop at which all members from all units meet with each other.

6. To involve doctoral students in regular CEFAGE research work.
7. To increase the number of completed doctoral theses which are supervised by full members and, more importantly, to increase the number of papers based on doctoral thesis work published in high-quality journals.
8. To keep full members and doctoral students up to date with regard to the latest developments in the fields in which CEFAGE operates and ensure they are trained to use software and databases.
9. To increase CEFAGE funding by conducting research projects and providing services.
10. To hold international conferences which are relevant to CEFAGE research fields so as to raise the international profile of the unit in all main scientific fields of research CEFAGE is engaged in.
11. To invite Research Advisory Board members to visit CEFAGE during the course of the implementation of the Strategic Programme.