Ana Paula Catarino Barreira

Research Staff Member with PhD Degree
Assistant Professor with Habilitation (Universidade do Algarve)

Ph.D. in Public Economics, Planning and Economic Policy (U. do Algarve, 2004), Master in Economic and Business Sciences (U. do Algarve, 1996), Degree in Business Management (U. do Algarve, 1990).

Research Topics

Cities Losing Population; Quality of life; Sustainability, Fiscal Federalism, Public Policies.

Research output

Articles Published in Selected Journals (indexed in CEFAGE ranking)


Barreira, A P., Andraz, J., Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos , (2023) , "Perceptions and preferences of urban residents for green infrastructure to help cities adapt to climate change threats" , Cities , 141 .


Ferreira, V., Barreira, A P., Pinto, P., Panagopoulos, T. , (2022) , "Understanding attitudes toward adoption of Nature-Based Solutions and policy priorities shaped by stakeholders' awareness of climate change" , Environmental Science & Policy , 131 , 149-159 .


Ferreira, V., Barreira, A P., Antunes, D., Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T , (2021) , "Stakeholders' perceptions on appropriate Nature based Solutions in the urban context" , Journal of Environmental Management , 298 .


Barreira, A.P., Amado, C.A.F., Santos, S.P., Andraz, J., Guimarães, M.H. , (2020) , "Assessment and determinants of the quality of life in Portuguese cities" , International Regional Science Review .


Amado, C.A.F., A. P. Barreira, S.P. Santos, M.H. Guimarães , (2019) , "Comparing the Quality of Life of cities that gained and lost population: An assessment with DEA and the Malmquist Index" , Papers in Regional Science , 98 .


Barreira, A.P., M. Cesário , (2018) , "Factors influencing the choice of the Algarve region as a tourist destination: Does season matter?" , International Journal of Tourism Research , 20 , 578-587 .


Barreira, A.P., J.J.S. Ramalho, T. Panagopoulos, M.H. Guimarães , (2017) , "Factors driving the population growth and decline of Portuguese cities" , Growth and Change , 48 , 853-868 .


Guimarães, M.H., L.C. Nunes, A.P. Barreira, T. Panagopoulos , (2016) , "Residents’ preferred policy actions for shrinking cities" , Policy Studies , 37 , 254-273 .
Guimarães, M.H., L.C. Nunes, A.P. Barreira, T. Panagopoulos , (2016) , "What makes people stay in or leave shrinking cities? – An empirical study from Portugal" , European Planning Studies , 24 , 1684-1708 .

Articles Published in ISI Journals (not indexed in CEFAGE ranking)


Vejchodská, E., Barreira, A.P., Auziņš, A., Jürgenson, E., Fowles, S., Maliene, V. , (2022) , "Bridging land value capturing arena with land rent thoughts" , Land Use Policy , 114 .


Ferreira, V., Barreira, A P., Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T., Antunes, D. , (2020) , "Stakeholders’ engagement on nature-based solutions: A Systematic Literature Review" , Sustainability , 12 .


Barreira, A.P., L.C. Nunes, M.H. Guimarães, T. Panagopoulos , (2019) , "Satisfied but thinking about leaving: The reasons behind residential satisfaction and residential attractiveness in shrinking Portuguese cities" , International Journal of Urban Sciences , 23 , 67-87 .

Articles Published in Other Peer-review Journals


Biscalchim, B., Barreira, A.P. , (2020) , "Cities that are losing inhabitants: An analysis of the Brazilian reality" , Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento , 6 , 15 .


Dibiase, S., A.P. Barreira , (2019) , "Shrinking and resurgent cities in Italy: Size, location and causes, Scienze regionali" , The Italian Journal of Regional Science , 1 , 115-144 .


Barreira, A.P., D. Agapito, T. Panagopoulos, M.H. Guimarães , (2017) , "Exploring residential satisfaction in shrinking cities: A decision-tree approach" , Urban Research and Practice , 10 , 156-177 .
Barreira, A.P., M. Cesário, M.T. Noronha , (2017) , "Pull attributes of the Algarve: the tourists’ view" , Tourism Planning and Development , 14 , 87-109 .

Book Articles and Chapters or Conference Proceedings


Rizvanolli, B.V., K.L. Pulkinnen, A.P. Barreira , (2018) , "Social, health and participation" , M. Brown, E. Haselsteiner, D. Apró, D. Kopeva, E. Luca, K.L. Pulkkinen, B. Vula , Sustainability, Restorative to Regenerative. , EURAC Research , 33-46 .

Master Theses Supervision


Ana Laura Pereira do Nascimento , (2017) , "Avaliação Económica da Cadeia de Abastecimento de Bens de Consumo em Saúde: O Caso da ARS do Algarve" , M.Sc. (Healthcare management) , Universidade do Algarve .
Célia Maria Viegas Ramos , (2017) , "Turismo Residencial: Caracterização e Impactos no Concelho de Tavira" , M.Sc. (Tourism economics and regional development) , Universidade do Algarve .


Sandrina Ferreira de Amorim Viegas de Jesus , (2012) , "Indústria extrativa na Região do Algarve: Formulação de Estratégias Competitivas" , M.Sc. (Regional management and development) , Universidade do Algarve .


Pedro Alexandre Martins Gonçalves , (2011) , "Número e dimensão ótimos dos estabelecimentos prisionais em Portugal" , M.Sc (regional management and development) , unviersidade do Algarve .

Projects Funded by International Research Programs


CA17125 , Duration 01/08/2018 - 31/08/2022


COST Action CA16114 , Duration 01/05/2017 - 30/11/2020