Articles Published in Selected Journals (indexed in CEFAGE ranking)
Cardoso, P., Campos, R., Taveira, M.C., & Silva, F.
"Clients factors of working alliance: A preliminary study in Career Construction Counseling"
British Journal of Guidance & Counseling
Cardoso, P., Gonçalves, Mendes, I., Sousa, I., Taveira, M.C., & Silva, F.
"Eliciting reconceptualization innovative moments to foster change in Career Construction Counseling"
Career Development Quarterly
Ferreira, P., Dionísio, A., Almeida, D., Quintino, D. e Aslam, F.
"A new vision about the influence of major stock markets in CEEC indices: a bidirectional dynamic analysis using transfer entropy"
Post-Communist Economies
Fragoso, R., Pereira, R.
"The Influence of Career Choice Intentions on New Venture Creation in Algeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa"
International Review of Entrepreneurship
Galego, A.
"Recent Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in Portugal: A Distributional Analysis"
Applied Economics Letters
Garcez, A., M. Franco, R. Silva
"The Influence of the Pillars of Digital Academic Entrepreneurship on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention""
European Journal of Innovation Management
Geraldes, S., Franco, M.
"The Status of Cooperation for the Organizational Learning of SMEs: An Empirical Literature Review and Research Agenda"
European Journal of International Management
Gomes, O.
"Behavioral Economics and Finance: a Selective Review of Models, Methods, and Tools"
Studies in Economics and Finance
Gomes, O.
"Personality and Patterns of Savings: the Theory of Economic Growth beyond Optimal Behavior"
Economic Issues
Marreiros, C. G., M. Ulman, R. Quaresma, A. Harris
"Information Ethics Among College Students – Selected Countries Analysis"
Journal of Global Information Technology Management
N. Teixeira, A. Correia, R. Vinhas da Silva, L. Pereira, S. Vinhas da Silva
"Financial Innovation as a Response to Crisis: The Case of Catastrophe Bonds"
Global Business and Economics Review
Osiyevskyy, O; Sinha, K; Sarkar, S; Dewald, J
"Thriving on adversity: Entrepreneurial thinking In times of crisis"
Journal of Business Strategy
Pacheco, A., M. Franco
"The Role of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Academic Spin-off Creation: A cooperation perspective"
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Pina, A., Fuinhas, J., Belucio, M. and Serrasqueiro
"How do economic growth and terrorism affect tourism in the Council of Europe countries?"
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal
Ramos, J., Pinto, P. Pintassilgo, P., Resende, A., Cancela da Fonseca, L.
"Activating an artisanal saltpan: Tourism crowding in or waterbirds crowding out?"
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
R. Gonçalves, R. Lopes da Costa, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, R. Vinhas da Silva, N. Teixeira
"Agile Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Apparel Industry"
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Rodrigues, M., M. Franco, C. Oliveira, A. Daniel
"A bibliometric study about the rural creative class: proposal of a conceptual framework and future agenda"
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Rodrigues, M., M Franco, R. Silva
"Digitalisation and Innovation in SMEs: Influences on the advantages of digital entrepreneurship"
International Journal of Innovation Management
Sarkar, S.; Bilau, J.; Correia, M.
"Financing creation of micro enterprises with microcredit: Does being an immigrant make a difference?"
Strategic Change
Sarkar, S., S. Mateus
"COVID-19 and rapid response in healthcare: Enacting collageage to overcome resource constraints"
Science, Technology and Society