Articles Published in Selected Journals (indexed in CEFAGE ranking)


Cardoso, P., Campos, R., Taveira, M.C., & Silva, F. , () , "Client’s factors of working alliance: A preliminary study in Career Construction Counseling" , British Journal of Guidance & Counseling .
Cardoso, P., Gonçalves, Mendes, I., Sousa, I., Taveira, M.C., & Silva, F. , () , "Eliciting reconceptualization innovative moments to foster change in Career Construction Counseling" , Career Development Quarterly .
Ferreira, P., Dionísio, A., Almeida, D., Quintino, D. e Aslam, F. , () , "A new vision about the influence of major stock markets in CEEC indices: a bidirectional dynamic analysis using transfer entropy" , Post-Communist Economies .
Fragoso, R., Pereira, R. , () , "The Influence of Career Choice Intentions on New Venture Creation in Algeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa" , International Review of Entrepreneurship .
Garcez, A., M. Franco, R. Silva , () , "The Influence of the Pillars of Digital Academic Entrepreneurship on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention"" , European Journal of Innovation Management .
Geraldes, S., Franco, M. , () , "The Status of Cooperation for the Organizational Learning of SMEs: An Empirical Literature Review and Research Agenda" , European Journal of International Management .
Gomes, O. , () , "Behavioral Economics and Finance: a Selective Review of Models, Methods, and Tools" , Studies in Economics and Finance .
Marreiros, C. G., M. Ulman, R. Quaresma, A. Harris , () , "Information Ethics Among College Students – Selected Countries Analysis" , Journal of Global Information Technology Management .
N. Teixeira, A. Correia, R. Vinhas da Silva, L. Pereira, S. Vinhas da Silva , () , "Financial Innovation as a Response to Crisis: The Case of Catastrophe Bonds" , Global Business and Economics Review .
Osiyevskyy, O; Sinha, K; Sarkar, S; Dewald, J , () , "Thriving on adversity: Entrepreneurial thinking In times of crisis" , Journal of Business Strategy .
Pina, A., Fuinhas, J., Belucio, M. and Serrasqueiro , () , "How do economic growth and terrorism affect tourism in the Council of Europe countries?" , Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal .
Ramos, J., Pinto, P. Pintassilgo, P., Resende, A., Cancela da Fonseca, L. , () , "Activating an artisanal saltpan: Tourism crowding in or waterbirds crowding out?" , International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research .
R. Gonçalves, R. Lopes da Costa, L. Pereira, Á. Dias, R. Vinhas da Silva, N. Teixeira , () , "Agile Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Apparel Industry" , International Journal of Agile Systems and Management .
Rodrigues, M., M. Franco, C. Oliveira, A. Daniel , () , "A bibliometric study about the rural creative class: proposal of a conceptual framework and future agenda" , Journal of the Knowledge Economy .
Rodrigues, M., M Franco, R. Silva , () , "Digitalisation and Innovation in SMEs: Influences on the advantages of digital entrepreneurship" , International Journal of Innovation Management .
Sarkar, S., S. Mateus , () , "COVID-19 and rapid response in healthcare: Enacting collageage to overcome resource constraints" , Science, Technology and Society .